Friday, February 26, 2010

Addison is here!

Addison Elizabeth Lee
Born February 18, 2010 at 4:49pm
8 lbs, 5 oz and 21 inches long

After a very uneventful pregnancy, Addison decided to enter the world with a little drama. Here is her story:

Wednesday 2/17 (1 week overdue):
After what seemed like weeks and weeks of waiting, we were finally going to have our little girl. Wednesday was spent doing final cleaning of the house, relaxing as a family of two, and eating at one of our favorite places, Kenny and Zukes. Sean and I were both pretty anxious, but we managed to stay calm. We were scheduled to go in at midnight on Wednesday. Before we left we both got a little sleep and took showers (good idea, mom). Finally, at just after eleven we made the drive across town to St. Vincent's.

Thursday 2/18:
We checked in just before midnight and were settled into our room at St. Vincent's just after. I was quickly hooked up to some machines and checked to see where I was. I was still only 1 cm dilated, but I was having contractions (although I could not feel them). At this time I was given cervadil to help get me ready for labor. At about 1 am, Sean and I were left to get some sleep as we anticipated a very long day. I was awoken at about 3 in the morning with mild contractions. By 5 they were a little stronger and somewhat uncomfortable. At 8, they were right on top of each other and VERY strong. I was not having fun at that point. My doctor stopped by and I was still barely dilated (all that work and pain for nothing?). I got a little relief from some pain meds but not for long. At 11 am, I gave in and got my epidural. It was a little piece of heaven. Not much later I was started on pitocin. Although I could not feel the contractions, the were regular and strong. We all thought this was a great sign! Now we were just waiting for the show to really start. Addie had a different plan.

At about 4pm, the nurse noticed that although my contractions were good and strong, Addison was not doing so well. Her heart rate was up and down. The lowered the dose of pitocin I was getting but it still wasn't working. I was flipped around, switched sides I was on, and all sorts of things to see if that would help her. It didn't. At that time the nurse called my doctor in and they found that the umbilical cord was wrapped around Addison's neck. About 2 minutes later I was informed that even if they could get her untangled, she would not be able to withstand much more of the labor, thus an emergency c-section was needed. I was pretty shocked. This is not what I expected at all. The doctor gave me a few minutes with Sean and our moms before the team of people came in to wheel me to the O.R. It all happened so fast! I was being pumped with meds and fluids as I was being wheeled out. Sean followed. About 10 or 15 minutes later, we heard Addison's first cries. When they brought her around the curtain to show us, I couldn't believe she was here. She was nothing what I expected! She looked huge!! At 8lbs, 5 oz, I guess she was a pretty good size. I was also surprised at how much hair she had. Sean and I both started crying (happy tears). After doing all the tests they needed to do, Sean and Addison went back to our recovery room for her bath while I got stitched up. I was able to join them about 20 minutes later.

I still can't believe how this all turned out, but I am so happy to finally have her here. She is beautiful and doing really well now. She is a good baby. We are getting used to her and she is getting used to us. Even Mac loves this little baby!
We came home on Sunday and have now been parents for a whole week! Time is already flying by!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Due Date...

Well, today is Addison's due date, yet there is no sign of her coming out. Sean and I spent the day cleaning and running errands. We did some mall walking (since the weather was so yucky) in hopes that it might encourage to come, but still nothing. We are definitely ready and anxious to meet our little one. As of yesterday I was 70% effaced (good), her head was low (good), but not dilated at all (bad).

We received news from our doctor today that if she doesn't arrive by next Wednesday, we will be induced then. Hopefully she will make her appearance sooner! We might just go nuts waiting.

We can't wait to meet you, Addison, so please hurry up and get here!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Waiting Game...

With just less than 2 weeks until our due date, we have now entered the "waiting period". I have been told that this is the longest part of pregnancy - I totally get it. We are feeling pretty darn ready for this little girl to come into the world. I am now feeling the uncomfortableness of being 9 months pregnant - swollen feet, the waddle, frequent bathroom trips. Still, I can say that I am grateful to have had such an "easy" pregnancy. Little girl likes stick her foot in my left side. She is a stretcher - baby yoga perhaps? I still get a kick out of watching my belly move around. It is quite amazing.

I am now officially on maternity leave and I have some little things that I need to get done, but other than that it is rest and relaxation for me. Will she come early or late? Who knows. Sean and I both have our opinions. The real question is: Will Sean become a dad when he is 29 or 30? With his birthday coming next Friday, it is anybody's guess.

Here are some pictures of my huge belly (38 weeks, 3 days):

And now for some nursery pics - we are ALMOST done. Thank you to all of our wonderful family members who helped with paint, remodeling, cleaning of antique hardware, furniture purchases, and our sanity. We love you!!

We can't wait to meet our little girl!!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Belly = Table

This belly is good for something!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

It is now 2010 and we can officially say that we are due NEXT MONTH! We had a whirlwind winter break full of family, friends, and fun! We made the rounds and were able to see all of the grandparents and family at Christmas. We've been organizing and getting ready for baby and are really close to being pretty well prepared.

New Year's Eve was exciting for both Sean and I, even though we didn't get to spend it together. Sean road-tripped down to Pasadena (thank you, Frost!) to cheer on our Ducks. I opted out of the RV trip for the comforts of home - something I needed being 34 weeks pregnant and feeling bigger every day. Though the Ducks didn't pull off the win, Sean and the crew had a good time nonetheless.

I stayed in Portland for a fun-filled evening with some of my favorite ladies - Katie, Becca, and Tina - and my parents. We had a great time at Andina, eating yummy food and drinking delicious drinks (OK, I had a lemonade - but everyone else really liked their drinks). Our night started off rocky with a late seating, some champagne spillage, and a loud band. It ended with free drinks, party hats, a conga line, and happy tummies! Here are some pics from our evening:

Pre-dinner in the only decent shirt that fits me:

The girls: The parents:

Happy New Year! Eating 12 grapes (one for each month) is good luck in Peru:

Overall, a great start to 2010. This year is definitely going to be one of the most exciting in our lives yet. We are counting down the weeks and can't wait to meet this little girl!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Baby Shower!

Today was a great day with a bunch of lovely ladies! My sisters threw me a fabulous baby shower complete with pink cupcakes, pink M & Ms and pink champagne (for the guests of course). It was so great to be surrounded by such wonderful women. I am currently 31 weeks (7 months). I can't believe how fast my pregnancy is going! I am feeling great and the little lady is frequently letting me know she is here.

Here are a few pics from the shower:

We of course had to play some games. In this one, everyone had to guess my current waist size with a piece of string. It was close, but Ruby and Makenna won the prizes.

Sean came home with a baby shower present for me too:

Saturday, November 21, 2009

28 week pics (Third Trimester)

Here are some updated pics of my growing belly (28 weeks 3 days -- 6 1/2 months). It is almost Thanksgiving and I am SO excited that I have pants with a very expandable waist. Bring on the grub!